Stop calorie counting and learn about the lean muscle diet with Kyle Leon.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Part 1 ~ Customized Fat Loss ~ Kyle Leon
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
A Quick Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss Overview by Elman D' costa
Bodybuilder and fitness expert Kyle Leon has developed an innovative program called Customized Fat Loss that is tailored to fit each individual user. The goal of his revolutionary program is to help men and women lose fat without losing muscle along with it, and to learn how to avoid gaining the fat back.
The Customized Fat Loss Program is suitable to all body types and fitness levels. Kyle Leon admits that even he was not blessed with a bodybuilder's body. In fact, he describes himself as "skinny, long and lanky" during his high school years. Mr. Leon uses his knowledge and expertise to create a program that will give you the optimum results that you desire, regardless of your current frame.
Each participant's age, gender, body type and fitness level is considered when the program is being developed, to ensure maximum results. This is useful, as not everyone's body burns and stores fat in the same way. The plans can be modified as needed to continue to meet the needs of your changing body.
What's most important is that the Customized Fat Loss program does not have pills or point systems like most other weight-loss programs on the market. Instead, the program teaches you ways to permanently change your lifestyle and how to use nutritious, natural food sources to make the changes that you want to see in your body.
Some of the features of the program include:
-An explanation of the 3 most common mistakes that people make when trying to lose weight.
-The hidden side effects of fad diets and diet pills.
-The cardio-free solution that will tighten your skin and help with weight loss.
-Why "bulking and cutting" puts your body through needless stress and trauma.
-An important tip for maintaining your goal weight all year long.
You will learn the role of minerals, vitamins and nutrients in how your body works and you will also learn how to maximize fat loss simply by eating the right types of foods in the right quantities. You can use the eating habits and strategies that this program teaches for the rest of your life.
Another important feature of the Customized Fat Loss program is that you will learn how to build muscle while you are shedding fat. The program teaches that muscle gain is a process, and nutrition is one of the most important aspects of building muscle. As Kyle Leon says, "you can't pour sludge into your gas tank and expect your car to run at top condition", and this is the same way that muscle building works -you can't eat the wrong foods and expect that your body will be able to create ripped muscles. The Customized Fat Loss program also shows you how to avoid building muscle that is covered by fat.
Don't spend another day dreaming about your ideal body type and wishing you were fit. Don't wait another day to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Consider the ways that Kyle Leon's Customized Fat Loss Program will work for you so that you can achieve the body that you have always wanted.
If you are looking for more information on Kyle Leon's Customized Fat Loss then I recommend you check out this Customized Fat Loss review.
Article Source:'costa
Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer System by Cedric P Loiselle
Many people want to increase their muscle mass and create a toned, developed body that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but strong and healthy as well. In order to achieve this, you must not only adopt a work out program that will build and maintain the muscle tissue, but also a nutrition plan that will optimize your body for this growth and maintenance. A diet that aims at supporting muscle development is different from one that is intended specifically for weight loss. Though crucial, a proper muscle building diet is often ignored. In the somanabolic muscle maximizer system created by Kyle Leon, the diet is the core element.
The System
Unlike many muscle building systems, the somanabolic muscle maximizer is focused on creating personalized nutritional programs for each user that works in conjunction with any muscle building workout regime to optimize the function and performance of that particular individual's body. This system, used online, is interactive, allowing you to input information regarding your height, weight and body type as well as your work out habits and other lifestyle choices. The system then takes this information and uses it to create an ideal nutritional plan that will allow you to continue following your usual routine but increase your results and the effectiveness of your workouts.
The Advantages
Choosing a nutritional plan to increase the effectiveness of your muscle-building efforts is an important step toward achieving your goals. Leon's somanabolic muscle maximizer system is a highly customizable plan, bringing with it many advantages.
� This system is extremely cut-and-dry. It does not feature large amounts of filler information, or lengthy explanations. Rather, it presents the pertinent information regarding muscle building nutrition clearly and allows you to glean from it what you will.
� Because the system is automated, you don't even really need to understand the information that is given in the plan materials. All you need to do is fill in the blanks and allow the system to create a nutritional regiment perfect for you.
� There are three different pre-made meal plans offered with the system that allow you to follow the nutritional guidelines very easily. These meal plans can be tailored to your specific body type and condition and used throughout your program to ensure your nutrition is optimized for results.
� You do not need to follow a specific workout program to use this nutritional system, but there is a bonus section of the website that gives suggested workouts and routines in case you want to start one, or change up your regular regiment.
The Disadvantages
No thorough somanabolic muscle maximizer review would be complete without mentioning some of the potential drawbacks of the system. These points should be considered when deciding whether this system is appropriate for you.
� What the system refers to as "bonuses" are actually crucial elements to the program.
� The premade meal plans are intended largely for United States users.
� You have to have access to the internet in order to use the program.
Get a lean muscle body-line in 21 days with the somanabolic muscle maximizer, visit us today for more information at
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